Frustrated Call Center employees do not make good Customer Care Executives. They are not empowered enough to help the customer - forget caring about them! In my opinion, the Customer Care Executive should be an in-house and responsible professional, who can take instant decisions and demonstrate that the company cares for its customer.
But is it happening? No.
Am I asking for too much? I don't think so.
Is it possible? Yes, it is - if our companies start trusting the customer. The moment I call up so called customer care center they feel that I am calling them with some malign intention - their approach is more of an investigative officer, who behaves exactly the same as Bollywood police than of a person trying to assist you! Sometimes they come up with unique solution - put the blame on the customer for her refrigerator not working properly or last but not the least on the weather! "Mam' your CD player may not work because there is a high humidity in the weather and there could be moisture on your CDs"... C'mon guys! give me a break! Your customer is not a fool - she is calling you only after she has tried doing everything possible in her power to solve the issue herself. Start trusting or soon you are going to RIP. Do you think she is going to buy your product again?
Did you feel that you have read enough? Wait for this...
Impossible it may sound, but it is possible. I have taken a Broadband connection (from a private company, which invested very heavily in re-branding its identity to make it more customer friendly or owner friendly who proudly puts his name at the bottom - whatever!) at home and have been using it for over a month. When I got some issue with the billing and not delivering on the promises made by company while applying for a connection, I called the customer care center; I was told that in their data my name (or the user ID) is not there as registered customer!
When asked about if I don't exist as a customer, how am I using your services and being billed, there was no proper response. On inquiring further; I was told that I should call them back with proper information. What is proper information, I inquired. User ID - pat come the reply. But when I repeated my user ID, they said I am not their customer!
Confused? Don't be... I am yet to solve the mystery but don't you feel that this is like going to a doctor with a photo ID and he asks you to get a certificate that you are alive and the same person in a photo!
I am alive. Bhai - are you listening?