Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Power of Idea

In the recent issue of “Outlook Business” (20 December 2006), I read an interesting cartoon by R Prasad (Deep Pocket), where in one sales guy is telling some gentleman, quote: “Just give me an idea, sir… and watch me sell it to you in 5 minutes flat!” unquote.

Well, if you think it’s just for a humor? Think again. It is a strategic point of view, which many of us in the communication business practice knowingly or unknowingly. It’s about listening to your customer and selling her the thing which she asked for. Borrowing her own idea to sell it to her and it doesn’t even take five minutes. One doesn’t need to explain why?

It’s like telling a mother how smart her son is…

Thank you Prasad for the Deep Pocket. I would rather say Deep Thought.